Another Instance of Privilege Begetting Privilege.
I don’t begrudge them, I just wish it was available to everyone.
For a long time, I’ve been telling my general practice doctor that there was something going on in my head, then I motioned to the left and back of my head. I asked if I could get a scan or something on my brain since there was a history of stokes in my family
“But you don’t have any risk factors for stroke” she told me. Okay, but I live in this body, I know what’s what. Something is going on in there and I’d like to see what it is.
Nope. My request wasn’t even considered. My insurance wouldn’t cover a test for something that wasn’t medically warranted per my doctor even though I’ve been dealing with some issues.
In September, I experienced a thunderclap headache. My boyfriend took me to the hospital. Between entering the ED and the CT scanner was 20 minutes. Profusely sweating, skyrocketing blood pressure, seriously elevated heart rate, wanting to puke.
I was given pain meds to handle the pain, which was off the charts. When the doctor came in to tell me the results, she was so kind and gentle. She said, “There is no active bleeding but we see what we think is an aneurysm. You’ll be referred to neurology for further testing and then a treatment protocol.”
I fucking knew it.
I KNEW there was something going on even though aneurysms don’t typically have symptoms, the highly tortuous artery it is sitting on does. I’ve lived in the body for 52 years. I know when something is amiss. Why does my mechanic believe me when I tell them there is something going on with the car I’ve been driving for 12 years but my doctor ignores me when I say the same thing about the body I’ve been driving for 52?
One cerebral angiogram later and I do have an aneurysm, just a little one and much like Lauren Miller Rogan, if it grows, I will get it treated. The difference here is that she had money and sway to get a test proactively. She didn’t have to wait for something to happen that could have changed or ended her life. She had concerns and was able to get the MRI or other testing she needed to be put at ease BEFORE anything happened.
She had a family history of a disease. So do I. She was able to get the testing she needed to see if something could be done. I asked for the same thing and was turned down. She found something and was able to handle it BEFORE it became a problem. Us mere mortals must wait for a life changing event to even be considered for treatment.
My situation is genetic. No trauma caused my aneurysm. Is my family going to be able to get screened for the same thing now that I’ve proven there is a problem? Will they be turned down even with a family history just because they don’t have the money?
Let’s celebrate her successful treatment. I am very happy that she will be okay. However, let’s find a way for the rest of us to have access to the same care she has access to. Let’s find a way to keep MONEY from being the thing that keeps people from being treated, especially when they know something is going on.
We all deserve to live full and fruitful lives, not just those who can spend up to $12,000 on an MRI and not have it send them to bankruptcy.